Cheating and Lying

Constructive Criticism :
Be Tactful in Public

The way things are taken by your partner might vary greatly depending on who else is around. If you are invited to the new employee luncheon, it might be a bad time to go into your spouseīs horrible snoring habits or the way he looks tubby when he wears vests. Sharing truths with others about your partner, when those truths might negatively affect the way they view him, should be done with forethought.

Thatīs not to say you should ever lie - but there are certainly questions you can tactfully avoid. If your partner has a tendency to reveal personal items to others, sit down with your partner and explain how this ends up harming you and making you uncomfortable. "But itīs true" is not exactly an answer. Itīs true that we all go to the bathroom, too, but you hardly sit and discuss this with your co-workers (at least most of the time!!)

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