Fights and Arguing

Common Arguments :
Arguing over Nothing

If you´re just sniping at each other, it´s usually a sign that you´re unhappy with each other, and not about whatever set you off at the moment. If for example your partner was jealous of you, your mate might show it by picking on you all the time. He/she might not feel comfortable in addressing the *real* issue and would show the discomfort in other ways.

You need to sit down sometime quiet and talk to each other, and figure out what is wrong. Each of you should tell the other what your top 2 concerns are about the relationship - and promise not to interrupt each other or to argue about it. Just listen to what each other has to say without making comments. Then see if you can find ways to resolve the issues - not to say "you´re wrong" but really find ways to help you both not feel uncomfortable.

Don´t ignore general ´picking on´ as a minor thing. Over time, this can escalate into an issue that destroys your relationship. Find the *real* root of the problem, and find constructive ways to address it.

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