Cheating and Lying
I Have Cheated - Now What? :
I´m attracted to someone else
Hey, if you *weren´t* attracted to other people I´d be worried. It´s not love if you feel like this is the only person on the planet, and that nobody else would do. That´s an obsession. Love is accepting this person as the one you want to be with, even *though* there are many, many other possibilities out there. There is not only one male and female in the world. There are millions. Love is about saying to a person, "even though there are many others out there, some smarter, some stronger, some faster, some more musical, YOU are the one I choose to be with because your unique qualities are what I seek".
Meeting other people in the world that you are attracted to shows you´re still alive and capable of relationships. Keeping them just as friends, and coming home to your partner every night shows that you still love him (or her) best of all.
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