Dealing With the Ex

My Partner's Ex :
She´s After My Guy

There are definitely exs who have NOT accepted that their relationship is over. They intrude themselves sneakily on purpose in order to ´win back´ what they have lost.

This can be extremely destructive, especially if the partner feels flattered by the attention and doens´t discourage it. Sit down with your partner and talk about this. Your current relationship *has* to be the main focus for both of you. If you´re not giving it a full try, why bother to maintain it? You both deserve a partner that is fully there for each other.

Decide together what you will do, and present the unified front to the ex. If need be, take steps like turning on caller ID and screening all calls and visitors. If you make the point firmly, it should get across.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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