Daily Love Tips and Ideas

Written Words :
Big Big Big....

Get two peices of poster board and put tape on the ends so it makes one giant card. Now once you have the card done put old memories of things that the two of you have shared. For example a movie ticket from the first time you went out to the movies. That is always a winner. Also put a poem written by you, no matter how bad you are at writing poems. As long as it comes from the heart. Another thing you can put in it is the lyrics of your partners favorite song. Also draw little things that you remind you of her or like her favorite animal. Now basically just put things that would make her want to hug you forever. Usually these things will come to you once you start making the card. Oh and be very creative with it. And most of all make it big!! Get the biggest peices of poster board you can find. Good luck!

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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