Flirting and Fun

Flirting Dangers :
To Make your Partner Jealous

Something I see a fair amount of is people flirting on purpose with someone else to make their partner jealous. They feel their partner doesn´t appreciate them enough, so they go flirt with someone else, as if to say, "See, HE thinks I´m pretty" or "See, I could be with HER unless you shape up".

If you´re feeling neglected, the solution isn´t to upset and anger your partner. That might only cause him/her to neglect you even more, figuring you´re not really serious about the relationship, and cause a downward spiral. Also, you´re ´using´ the person you´re flirting with as a tool to needle your partner, which isn´t fair either.

Instead, sit down and talk with your partner. Explain that you´re feeling neglected, and find ways to help change that. If you deal with this honestly, that´ll make the relationship even stronger going forward. Relationships shouldn´t be based on manipulations and trickery.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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