I would say this is a big clue, if youre partner changes from enjoying cuddles and alone time together then be wary.
My partner suddenly stopped enjoying or wanting to spend time alone with me. Suddenly everytime i suggested doing something together ( a meal out, trip to the cinema etc he would ask other people to come along too where as before we used to love doing things just the two of us) He would pull away when i tried to snuggle up to him and would not respond how he used to , by hugging me or putting his arm round me etc.. also when i kissed him he would give me a little peck on the lips, rather than the passionate loving kisses he used to give me.Any Physical contact, little affectionate touches or holding hands dissappeared (including sex)and he would actually make excuses not to have sex with me anymore. Also he would give really ridiculous reasons as to why he couldnt hold my hand or give me a cuddle (such as "i cant hug you ive pulled my back and it hurts", or when i tried to give him a passionate kiss he would pull away after a tiny peck on the lips and when i would say playfully "give me PROPER kiss" hed reply with a very angry "ive just kissed you" ) these are not good signs at all so watch out for things like this. IF a partner who used to be sexual, and desire you and gave you hugs and kisses freely suddenly avoids it, you have to wonder where else their sex drive may be getting satisfied or who all their affection is now being given to If it certainly isnt you.
This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.