Long Distance and Internet

Songs about Missing You :
Long Distance - Bruno Mars

There,s only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the time
And I,m running out of things to do
To get you off my mind

All i have is this picture in a frame
That I hold close to see your face every day

With you is where I,d rather be
But we,re stuck where we are
And it,s so hard,you,re so far
This long distance is killing me
I wish that you were here with me
But we,re stuck where we are
And it,s so hard,you,re so far
This long distance is killing me

It,s so hard,it,s so hard
Where we are,where we are
You,re so far,this long distance is killing me
It,s so hard,it,s so hard
Where we are,where we are
You,re so far,this long distance is killing me

Now the minutes feel like hours
And the hours feel like days
While I,m away
You know right now I can,t be home
But I,m coming home soon,coming home soon

All i have is this picture in a frame

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