Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
I am not ready to make out with him yet

I met this guy in October in school. I had an unbelievable(sp?) crush on him this whole year. He had a gf until december. He was availible for three days when i told my best friend i was in love with him. That is when she told me that he asked her out and she said yes. I was completly crushed. Fortunatly for me, the guy i liked and I were close friends. AND my friend is the shitiest gf u will ever see. A month later they broke up. He was single for 3 months before i got the courage to ask him out. Now we have been going out for almost 2 months and I love him SO much. I am not ready to make out with him yet and he respects that, but he kisses me almost every night that I see him. :)


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