Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
A story which up to now had no end results

i fell in love with my best m8s ex he means so much 2 me he dosnt feel the same way but i neva stop thinking of him! i wrote this poem 4 him.

Love is a deep feeling from the heart,
It feels special right from the start,
It makes you want what you desire,
If burns through you like a burning fire,
You see his shadow from afar,
You heart is beating like a car,
Instincts tell you to go say hi,
Insecurity makes you sigh,
You stop right there and think for a while,
“I don’t love him” your in denial,
To release you thoughts and admit how you feel,
Although it sounds shallow it is a big deal,
For 7 long months and it feels more,
To look at him has made me sore,
I know he doesn’t feel the same way,
“You don’t know for sure” “I do OK!”
People thought they were doing me a favour,
Personally I was disgusted by their behaviour,
I am use to rejection and being picked last,
It’s in my sad, fat, lonely past,
Happiness and confidence disguise my fear,
Of being disliked and not having friends near,
Very few know the real me,
Insecure and unloved and sometimes lonely,
But back to the subject of my true love,
He’s perfect in everyway a real man should,
If only he could see past my ugly smile,
To a place that’s inside a mile,
Past the pink and false shell,
To a place where my feelings dwell,
He told me he loved me my face lit up,
Why does their always have to be a but?
As a friend. What does that mean?
Why can’t I see the unforeseen?
My thoughts consist of one true feeling,
How will it end? This needs revealing,
There are many possibilities that I could guess,
It’s like a soap some make me stress,
He could realise that all along,
Together is where we belong,
He could stay blinded by peer pressure,
And leave me on my own for sure,
We could be together forever and a day,
He could break my heart either way.
Loving him is not a crime,
But in his eyes things are fine,
Friendships good but I want more,
A demanding spinster that’s me for sure,
I hope that one day he comes around,
And with a husband I can be bound,
If not him then someone equal,
But I will never forget him. There is no sequel,
My first young love at the age of 15,
He didn’t love me and it may seem mean,
But I understand the pressure and pain,
Which stopped him from loving me again and again,
***************** an 18-year-old lad,
For which a young girl went uncontrollably mad,
But one clear thing that I have been taught,
Is that in love you can become caught.
This was the story of 2 young adults,
A story which up to now had no end results.


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