Happy Winter Solstice - Dec 22 2011

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Happy Winter Solstice!

Winter is traditionally a time of creativity, of focus on growth and knowledge and learning. There are delightfully long evenings by the fire, relaxing afternoons of curling up on the couch with a new book. Think about the ways in which this coming winter can help you achieve your goals and celebrate your dreams.

Do you want to learn how to control your temper? How to become more comfortable in social events? Would you like to find a wonderful new partner, or to build a stronger relationship with the one you have? Whatever your goals are, there are paths to success. You just need to take that one small step to get started.

Come on by our forums and post your challenge. No matter what it is, we'll help you get started. There is a solution to any problem, and a way to improve any situation. Take that first step. Let us know what your challenge is. We'll help you do the rest!

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Mused Literary Magazine

Here is the write-up for the Winter Solstice issue for the Mused Literary Magazine!

Winter infuses our world with magical beauty. Trees become glistening creations of white, frosted with snow and gilded with ice. Misty landscapes remind us of the serenity of solitude. Drops of water become shimmering jewels.

Poetry wraps us in the sensations. Blue holiday lights reflect merrily off of car hoods. Cozy fires blaze to warm frosty toes. Weary shoppers in line lose track of the true meaning of Christmas.

Fiction gives us garlands of glowing lights in Delhi, India along with a Christmas celebration embraced by mist and ancient cedars.

Non-fiction looks back at relationships. A woman muses about what type of cake her absent father might have wanted. A man remembers fond moments in a life with an alcoholic father.

Winter is a season of nature's essence. We gaze at the bare bones of trees, rocks, and landscapes, and glimpse the ethereal harmony which has always been there. It is a time to offer gratitude for all that we have, and all we can dream of becoming.

Winter Solstice Issue of the Mused Literary Magazine

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.