Happy Autumn - Oct 9 2011

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Happy Autumn!
I hope everyone is enjoying the delightful season that autumn is. This is when our supermarkets and farmer's markets are bursting at the seams with delicious food. Support your local farmers - and your own health! - by visiting and supporting them. It's a great way to get out and enjoy what nature offers.

So many studies show that how we feel is directly related to what we eat. If we eat junk food, we can feel depressed, lethargic, and bored. Liven up your world by eating fresh, healthy foods. You might be surprised at the amount of energy you gain as a result!

Medieval Romance
I posted on our Facebook page that I'm preparing to launch a trio of medieval romance novels this coming December. All proceeds will benefit battered women, a cause I am very passionate about. You can find out more about these novels here -

Medieval Romance Novels

If you're on Facebook, I'd love to have you fan the Facebook page and offer suggestions on the final polishing process!

These novels are in the Pride & Prejudice category of "gentle romance" - i.e. no bodice ripping is happening :) If this is a style you love, and you'd be interested in seeing a review copy of one of the books, please let me know. I'm eager for test readers to take a sneak preview at the works and offer suggestions. As I mentioned, I'm not doing this for money - all money goes to battered women. I want to help them out as much as I can.

Rekindling the Romance
If you're looking to rekindle the romance in your own world, my strongest advice is to find ways to be happy yourself. The happier you are with your world, the more that romance will naturally flow to you. People like to be around happy people! Write in a gratitude journal. Take on a hobby you adore. Find a stress releasing activity you can do each day. The more naturally joyful you are, the more romantic your world will become. We offer more tips here!

Rekindling the Romance

Have a fantastic week, and watch a romantic movie every once in a while! We took a poll on our Facebook page and it seems most of our members are watching "not quite happy ending" romantic movies :) What does that say about us? Is that true in your own list of favorites? Let us know!

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Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

One of your friendly advisors at
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RomanceClass Newsletter Archive

Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.