Get Published - Jul 28 2011

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Get Published!

Just a reminder that the deadline for the upcoming Autumn Equinox issue of our Mused Literary Magazine is Wednesday, August 10th. Be sure to get your photos, drawings, poems, stories, and plays in by August 10th to be considered for this issue!

Full details about submissions, including the online submission form, can be found here -

Mused Literary Review

We offer free feedback! We look forward to reading your submissions and sharing them with the world!

Get Outside
So much of how relationships go in life - with their ups and downs - ties in to a person's own personal level of serenity. If a person is feeling stressed, they tend to read negative messages into things they hear. A message meant as a compliment might be taken as an attack. The world seems darker and bleaker. That affects every conversation.

In the same manner, if a person is feeling stressed, they are much more likely to say negative things. They can cause others around them to become less happy, and a downward spiral begins. A day which could have been wonderful and fun turns into a gloomy, rough time.

By taking even ten minutes to find some serenity and peace, a person can affect how the entire rest of their day goes. Getting outside into nature can be a wonderful way to achieve that! Go for a walk. Visit a local park. Sit under a tree for a little while. Nature helps to remind us all that life goes on, that short term issues become meaningless in the long term, and that life cycles around to renew itself.

If there's no way for you to get outside, then make your own serenity escape. Find a webcam of a zoo or nature preserve. Give yourself a window into that outside world. Put on noise cancelling headphones and breathe in deeply, from the stomach. Drop your shoulders away from your ears.

It's amazing how much smoother the world tends to go once you give yourself a serene base!

For more stress relief tips, visit our website -

Stress Relief Tips

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.