Happy World Population Day - Jul 11 2011

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Happy World Population Day!

July 11th, 2011, is World Population Day. This is a day for us to look at the world we live in, realize we're about to hit the 7 billion people mark, and take steps to care more tenderly for this Earth we all share.

BellaOnline is releasing a new version of our 67 page FREE Green Living ebook to celebrate! Enjoy great ideas for saving money, removing clutter, and reducing your carbon footprint!

Free Green Living Ebook

We've got a variety of free ebooks available for your reading pleasure - perfect for your Kindle, SmartPhone, or other device!

Free Ebook Listing

Free Tip
Summertime often provides free time for sitting back and reading a book. Certainly read for pleasure - you deserve a break! Also add in a few helpful books to your mix, though. Wish you could flirt more easily? Get a book on flirting! Have you always wanted to get your poetry published? Grab a book on that topic! You can get thousands of books for free at your local library, or if you have an ebook reader or smart phone there are thousands of free books online.

Take advantage of this time you have. Take that one small step towards your goal - you never know where it might lead!

You can't change the past. The future is always uncertain. The only moment you can affect is RIGHT NOW. Make the choices now that will lead you towards the life you deserve!

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.