Happy Earth Day - Apr 19 2012

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Happy Earth Day!
I know it's a few days early, but it's a delightful time to start celebrating! Think about ways in which you can help out planet be happier. Even small steps help. Filter your water rather than buying bottled water. Grow veggies on your back porch or in your windows.

Numerous studies show that spending time in nature can help reduce stress, raise spirits, and bring more focus into a person's life. Even in cities there are usually parks and gardens that can be visited. In rural areas it's much easier to find stretches of trees and fields. Find the places near you that you connect with, and make time to go visit them. It's just as important as a doctor's appointment, for your health.

You can also bring nature indoors. There are window herb gardens, hanging plants, and office plants that can thrive in the harshest conditions. Even if you think you have a brown thumb, try again. The gardening world now has plants specifically bred to be content indoors.

Growing a Relationship
With it being Earth Day, it's a good reminder to treat the relationships in your life like a growing flower. People are not stagnant. They grow and change and adapt over time. Your care for your relationship needs to account for that. Maybe they used to love biking, and now they'd rather kayak. Maybe they used to be shy about hugs, but now they are starting to enjoy them. Be aware of these subtle changes. Try something new. Learn a new style. Read a book or website or ebook and test out a new theory. The fun of being alive is that we polish and improve ourselves. Apply that to your relationships!

Whether it's parents or kids or siblings or partners or friends, we all have things we can do better. We all also have things we'd like THEM to do differently. Through gentle experimentation we can reach a happier level in each relationship we have.

And, if nothing else, we can learn patience and acceptance. Some people are just in a rough stage of life right now. By being patient with them, we can help them hopefully move through it and find more peace.

It all starts with us having our own grounding and serenity. Come on by our Facebook page and let us know what you do to relax, and share ideas!

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Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.