Happy Earth Day - May 22 2011

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Happy Earth Day!
Today is the day to celebrate the Earth in all of its natural beauty!

Let's rededicate our efforts towards reducing pollution, conserving energy, and saving money along the way!

We're giving away a free 50 page ebook full of tips and ideas - Enjoy, and pass the word along!

Green Living Tips Ebook

For many of our RomanceClass fans, this weekend is Easter Weekend - full of family get-togethers, stress, lots of chocolate, and more stress.

If your family causes you stress, know that you're not alone. Countless books and movies are put out every year that show just how stressful a family can be. They know how to push your buttons. They bring up ancient conflicts. That is what families do. The chance of you changing that is slim to none - so your alternative is learn to cope with the way things are.

First, give yourself the best chance of being calm. Get a lot of sleep. Set aside meditation breaks. Go for a walk. Watch some TV. Bring a book to read. Eat healthy foods! The more you can have your body settled and quiet, the more you'll be able to let any stressors just roll off your back.

If someone bothers you, walk away. Life is too short to worry about what another person - who is probably not happy themselves if they're spending their time tormenting you - affect your well being. Yes people will ask annoying questions. It's what they do. Smile, nod, and walk away. If you can't leave, change the subject.

We have all seen first hand how on one day we are fine with something and on the next - because we're tired, hungry, cranky, or whatever - the exact same situation sets us off. So again make sure you eat well, sleep well, and have time-off strategies. The more even keeled you are, the more you can laugh when Aunt Edna asks you for the 800th time why you don't have a boyfriend yet. Tell her you've decided to be a nun :)

Have a great weekend!

Building Trust
Recently a couple I know broke up, and it was clearly demonstrated how a violation of trust can destroy the joy a pair of people hold for each other. Trust is fragile. A lie might seem like a little thing, but if a person cannot trust the person by their side about small things, how can they trust them about the larger things? And if a person is willing to lie about the larger things, then there is often nothing else left to stay together for.

Put in an effort every day with those you love to build and demonstrate that trust. There should be no question in your mind that they "have your back" and will watch over you. There should be no question in their mind that you are always there for them and putting their interests first.

To learn more, read up on Cheating and Lying - learn how critical it is to build a foundation of trust in any relationship.

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

One of your friendly advisors at
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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.