Reach Your Goals - Jan 31 2011

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Reach Your Goals!
The hubbub of the near year is behind us. We're settling into 2011. Now is a great time to ask yourself - what do you REALLY want to achieve in this fresh, new year that is stretching out before you? What goals would you like to reach? What areas would you like to improve?

The key to success is to sit down, plan out your dreams, and then take little steps each day to reach them!

"Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss,
you'll land among the stars. "
-- Les Brown

We are here to help you out!

Let's say you are dealing with stress. We have a whole set of tips to help you get through those situations!

Stress Releasers

Is it that you're having arguments in your world, with friends, family members, or others you interact with? Here are some tips on handling those!

Handling Fights and Arguments

The first step is always to take a step back, think about the situation, and think about solutions. We are here to help!

Free Tip
Whatever your goal is in life, keep a journal about it. It doesn't need to be fancy - an inexpensive spiral-bound notebook from a local store will do fine! Write down encouraging thoughts about your goal. Praise your successes. Find ideas to improve from any setback. Numerous studies show that the more you record your dreams, the more likely you are to achieve them. Take that first step!

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.