Christmas Tradition Ideas - Dec 15 2010

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Happy Holidays!
It can seem sometimes that the holiday season is all about gift giving. Reclaim the season back! Make it about *caring*. Find ways to show those that you care for that they are special to you. Spend time just talking to them. Go for a walk. Maybe have a nice dinner together. The gift of your time is far more valuable than any gift could be.

If you must hand over a present, because of family expectations or other reasons, read through our suggestions for inexpensive items that are perfect!

Free and Inexpensive Present Ideas

Free Tip
The holidays are often stressful because we build up wildly incorrect fantasies in our brain about how a perfect holiday "should be". Release all of those bizarre ideas! Instead, embrace what you DO have. So what if the house is messy. So what if your "feast" is macaroni and cheese. Add some candles. Make some pretty homemade holiday placemats out of pieces of paper. Snuggle together while you read each other holiday stories. Make your OWN special rules. It is your tradition to create, after all!

Christmas Tradition Ideas

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.