Writing a Novel - Apr 5 2012

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Happy Spring!
Spring is for learning! Many of us are heading into spring classes right now. Some of us are teenagers, learning required courses in high school. Others of us are adults taking courses of our own choosing in online programs. If you're not gearing up to study something for the spring, maybe now's the time to give it a shot!

Spring is a perfect time to take a fresh look at your goals and see what progress you can make. Have you always wanted to learn how to mountain bike? Sign up for a course! Is it writing a novel that appeals to you? There are many websites that can take you step by step through the process. Whatever it is you wish to be, there are books, sites, and free courses that can get you on the right path.

All it takes is that first step. Every journey begins with just one step. Narrow your goals down to the very first step you need. Do that research to figure out where to begin. A quick web search or two should get you a list of options. If you're truly stuck, post in our forums or on our Facebook page, whatever you prefer. We'll help you get pointed in the right direction, and offer solutions to your hurdles.

Spring is here! Make the most of it, and start towards your dreams!

Writing a Novel
I know that many of you have talked about writing a novel or getting published, so I'll use that as an example of a goal that can be reached. The same ideas apply to any other goal, whatever you might be dreaming of. In the novel case, I had ten medieval novels that I'd written over the years and never published. When I sent them to publishers I was told they didn't have enough sex in them and therefore weren't worth publishing. I felt a bit dejected :)

So finally last summer I drew a line in the sand for myself. I would publish my first three novels in December, period. They would go live in December and that was that. So then I found friends to help me proofread them, I figured out how to use the Amazon free self-publishing systems, and I read and re-read them. When December came around I was scared, but I loaded my files up. Voila! They were published! They had readers! I never would have made it to that point if I hadn't set that hard deadline for myself. Having cheerleading friends was key as well.

You can see the novels here -

Medieval Novels

So the key is to set a goal for yourself. Make it a measurable goal. Don't say "lose weight". Say "Be 130 pounds by April 30". Make it something you can reach, of course, and make it fairly short term so you can focus on it. With my novels, while I had that December deadline, I also had intermediate deadlines like "Get the first novel, Seeking the Truth, ready for my review team by November 1st". Those smaller deadlines help to keep you on track for your overall victory.

I have step by step guidance on how to plan out priorities and goals in this thread -

Reducing Stress / Setting Priorities

Follow through the stages, post your goals, and we'll help you achieve them!

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

One of your friendly advisors at
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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.