Happy Forum Upgrade Day - Nov 7 2009

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Happy Forum Upgrade Day!
I've just finished a comprehensive upgrade to our forum system! The system now offers social networking items so you can easily send updates to Twitter, Facebook, and other systems. Security has been enhanced, and many other updates have been made to functionality.

To celebrate the upgrade I am doing a series of giveaways of origami Christmas ornaments and other items. Come on by and join in the fun!

RomanceClass Forums

Get Published!
The final deadline for the Mused Literary Magazine is fast approaching! This is a great way to reach a world wide audience with your poetry, stories, photographs, and more! Make sure you get your items in by this coming Saturday, November 7th!

Mused Literary Magazine

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

One of your friendly advisors at

RomanceClass Newsletter Archive

Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.