Get Organized - May 10 2012

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Create a Romantic Environment
So many studies show that the world around us affects our mood and outlook on life. If we walk into a quiet zen garden with trickling waterfalls and flowers that dance in the wind, our stresses can ease and our breathing can relax. If our day has challenges in it, sometimes just looking at a picture of our loved family members can put things into perspective.

One way to bring that mini-break into your world is to put up romantic artwork. You can do that on your computer desktop, your walls, your smartphone background, your locker, and a myriad of other places. Think about the area you spend the most time in. Are there images there to help you draw love into your life? If not, it's time to add some in! Here are a few ideas -

Medieval Romantic Images
1800s Romantic Images
Movie Romantic Images
Disney Romantic Images

We're all different. It's fine if you love Beauty and the Beast images and your friend loves Titanic images! What matters is that your images connect with YOU. They should allow you to smile, to relax, and to welcome love into your world. The more you can bring joy into your life, the more that the world will reward you with even more.

Spring Cleaning
I know it's easy for life to get messy. Piles of paper appear, clothes are all over the place, and you resign yourself to the mess. However, the human brain naturally enjoys order. It can be amazing how much more relaxed and "in the zone" you feel when things are even a little more neat.

Yes, we're all busy. I understand that completely! Still, change can happen in just five minutes. Don't wait until you have an entire day to tackle a cleaning project. Look at whatever area you spend the most time in. Then tackle just ONE TINY PART of that area. Don't worry about the whole thing. Don't even worry about half of it! Just take on one small part. Do that small part and then give yourself praise for getting that done. The next day, focus on another small part.

Small steps are what add up to large successes. And you'll find along the way that you are more relaxed, you are able to work more quickly, and you'll have more free time to enjoy the other things you want out of life!

Help Others
Sometimes the things we go through in life are there to give us experience so we can help others out. Maybe you went through a rough divorce - and now you can help guide others on how to make it through the process with less stress. Maybe you had hard issues with an adoption, and now your experience means you can assist others to have a smoother time.

BellaOnline is looking for writers who have experience in these types of areas. We are looking for writers on the topics of dating, divorce, gay-lesbian relationships, being married with no kids, depression, body image, adoption, adolescence, stepparenting, and other topics. Please come and see if your challenges can now help others to thrive!

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Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.