Beat the Heat - Jul 6 2012

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Love on the Rocks
The heat of summer can be a rough time for romance. Tempers flare and arguments which normally might ease off quickly can instead burst into harmful flame. Words are said that are hard to take back.

Is it a surprise that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing in the heat of summer? Or is it a sign that even the rich and famous can be susceptible to these types of issues?

Do you find your own relationships get more challenging when the temperature rises?

Come let us know!

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Keeping your Cool
A solution, of course, is to find ways to keep your cool. First off, eat healthy foods. It's amazing how the food you eat affects your emotions and feelings. Bring more fresh food into your diet. Drink lots of water. Avoid salty items. Try to have a salad every day. The cooler you stay, the more even your temper will be.

Find ways to have some motion in your day - but keep it for the cooler times of day. Go out for a walk in the evening. Go dancing in an air conditioned club. Even walking around at an enclosed, air conditioned mall can help. Every little step adds up.

Finally, make it a practice to always take a deep breath before answering in anger. Build a pause into your life. That way you can stop and consider what is going to be said. Once it's past your lips, it can't be drawn back again. Think if the words are ones you will be proud of in a week, or in a month.

Good luck!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.