Mused Literary Review - Aug 16 2012

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Mused Literary Review
Sometimes my time juggling goes well enough, and sometimes I lose track of one of the tasks on my priority list :). Somehow I lost track of the Mused Literary Review deadline! I've extended it until this coming Sunday, August 19th so you have time to get your poems, photos, drawings, stories, and other artistic items in to us. Remember, we offer free feedback! This is a great way to reach your goals and dreams in your artistic projects. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mused Literary Review

Time Management
A key with time management is to find a system that works well for you and then to make sure it's kept updated. My chosen system is to have three monthly calendar pages side by side on a bulletin board by my desk. So when I look left I can see August, September, and October right there in front of me. Of course this would work better if I'd actually put the Mused deadlines ON the calendar. So be sure to check that your important deadlines are noted on the system you use. Update it regularly! The more we can plan for what's coming up, the less stress we have in life :).

We all have different systems. Smart phones, email alerts, desktop programs, physical calendars, they all can work. It all comes down to what connects best with your style. Try out a variety of options, see what works, and then fine tune it!

Stress Relief
A key to using time efficiently is to be relaxed and stress free. Find a way to have joy come into each day! For example, right now I have a hummingbird feeder on my office window and I have a steady stream of beautiful little hummingbirds visiting me. It makes me quite happy all day long. Is there something in your world that could be similar? Think outside the box about ways to bring daily doses of joy into your life. It helps immensely!

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

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Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.