One of our visitors has asked this question: my friend who i like and want to be more then friends with. she thinks she is fat because diabetes. what do i say to her and how do i act to her How would you help that person?
Read MoreI have been working on a Do Not Complain project on and off since April 2008. That’s over ten years now! The idea behind this is to find gratitude in each day. If you run into a challenge, like a waitress brings you the wrong dish, you can calmly and rationally ask for that problem […]
Read MoreGirls and guys can be anything they want to be – which can make dating tough. Does a shy person take the quiet and shy approach, expecting the more talkative one to do everything for you? Does a partner take the forceful approach, and maybe drive the shyer one away? Here’s advice to help you […]
Read MoreThe RomanceClass forums are a community of over 12,000 members from around the world. As we are all from different backgrounds and different cultures, please ensure your posts are always respectful, supportive, and use clean language. This helps to ensure our pages can be appreciated from libraries at any part of the globe. Welcome! RomanceClass […]
Read MoreThe RomanceClass blog features personal posts by site owner Lisa Shea about stress relief, relationship building, time management, flirting, and much, much more. Be sure to stop by regularly to see what she’s been up to lately! RomanceClass Blog
Read MoreDon’t you wish sometimes that life came with an instruction manual? How are we supposed to know how to do things? Relationships are incredibly complicated, and yet we’re tossed into a situation and just expected to figure things out. Well, not to worry. Your friends here at RomanceClass are here to help. These are our […]
Read MoreWith over 7.6 billion people on this planet, it makes sense that at least some of them have faced the exact same challenge you are now facing. Whether it is how to nudge that friend along to becoming a boyfriend/girlfriend, or figuring out if someone likes you, or dealing with arguments, we are here to […]
Read MoreWe could all use a mentor to help us figure out the ins and outs of relationships! These suggestions and tips are curated from years of RomanceClass visitors and suggestions. Get started on your new path today! Flirting & Dating Kissing Tips Love Poetry Happy Partners Challenges & Solutions Nicknames & Words Presents & Gifts […]
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