With over 7.6 billion people on this planet, it makes sense that at least some of them have faced the exact same challenge you are now facing. Whether it is how to nudge that friend along to becoming a boyfriend/girlfriend, or figuring out if someone likes you, or dealing with arguments, we are here to help you out.
Click below on a main category to get started. You’ll be offered hundreds of real life questions that our visitors have asked, along with solutions. Some of them will be able to help you in your own challenges.
- Flirting and Friendship
- Getting Closer to Someone
- Does He-She Like Me?
- Asking Someone Out
- General Dating
- Kissing
- Arguments / Fighting
- Jealousy Issues
- My Partner is Cheating
- I am Cheating
- Breakup Issues
- I Want my Ex Back
We also have thousands of tips covering everything from how to gently flirt with someone to how to reclaim the love of an ex. Read through to find the one that best suits your situation.
If you still have questions, be sure to post in our forum! We are happy to lend a hand.
We look forward to hearing from you!