I soooo felt the same way you do two years ago. i really was tired of being lonely and just wanted to find someone who didn't play games (i HATE mind games & the whole wait a few days to call & pretend to not be thinking about you blah blah blah xxxx) the last guy i dated before i found my husband last year decided to sleep with not only my friend but also my coworker too. disgusting!
but then i finally found a man who hated games too and treated me like a precious gemstone & we have not be apart since then

you will find someone who deserves your attention. hey I was 29 before i found my husband! (we married this May...see our beach wedding pic below...sorry but i am still amazed and have to brag)and I am really glad i did not settle for some jerk...though i admit i was really close to because of loneliness
soooooooooooo happy with my man i could just burst!
