I met Man 2 through my ex 2 years ago. They were friends. After 2 years of dating my ex, when things fell through (he broke up with me), I confided in his friend, who I had become close with (man 2). One night after a few cocktails each, we were on the phone and it became VERY sexual. We ended up having phone sex for almost 4 hours (no lie) we both admitted to always being attracted to each other.

He said how he liked me from the day we met (even though we both had other significant others. It was great; I DEF was always attracted to him.I grew confused because I still wanted my ex. After a drunken fight w/ the ex telling him how I thought I'd go for a drink w/ man 2, I decided I really needed to back away from both of them. Man 2 was GREAT about it, he agreed we needed distance, so we stopped talking.4 months later (of no talking) I was randomly thinking of man 2. I still had a crush on him, but more than anything felt bad we were no longer friends, I LOVED him as a friend.

I randomly emailed him and said that I hoped we could still be friends and I was sorry how things worked out. That got us talking, he said he was thinking about me the night before and wanted to call, but thought it might be awkward. We caught up a little via email and he asked me to call him later - I did. I thought we'd be friends, but immediately he said how great it was to hear my voice and that even though we hadn't talked in 4 months, his feelings for me hadn't changed and he was no longer conflicted about the situation (meaning my ex).

I was a bit in shock, but happy. Unfortunately, we live 1 1/2 hrs away from each other. If we were closer I know we'd have already seen each other, but the distance has made our interaction be strictly via phone. I'd LOVE to get together and see where this goes, but I don't really know how to make it happen. I've thrown it out there and he seems to want the same thing, but he hasn't jumped at a chance of actually getting together. After a few days of talking EVERY day (multiple times), and having phone sex a few times and verifying that we are both okay with going through with this we haven't talked at ALL for a few days...Today is Saturday. On Wednesday, I sent my last flirty text saying that hopefully I'll get to see him soon he IMMEDIATELY responded...and favorably, saying I'd see him soon - definitely.

Then, NOTHING! No Happy Thanksgiving text, nothing. I never responded to his text, either. So, Friday evening I was at a sportin gevent that I thought he was aso attending, so I text him and just asked him if he was there - no response . Today is Sunday still NO response...I'm SO confused?!?!

initiatlly I Just wanted to be friends with him, but he immediately admitted to still having feelings and opened up that bag - and I was flattered and would LOVE to see where it goes. But, then he just disappeared?!!? what gives?