Just think of all those words of wisdom us old timers could give lol.
We have been married 40 years and still even like each other. Can't say we never had fights that would be not telling the truth but in all honesty I do have to say my husband is my best friend.
We got married a little over a year out of high school. Did not start dating until after graduation.
Our story is kind of funny. My best friend was invited to a party (boy/girl) and she asked me if she should invite my husband (who at that time I did not really know) I told her I didn't know him so she told me to look him up in annual. I did told her I thought he was cute and yes to ask him. Well she did not like him she said all he wanted to do was kiss her. A year later (not remembering telling her to ask him out) he was in one of my classes (copied my homework sometimes) Well just before school was over we started talking and he asked me out. I did not even get a kiss good night on our first date he said he did not want to scare me off. I guess it worked.
Anyway my best girlfriend whom I still see ended up marrying a Dennis (this is both our husbands name) and we are all friends now.

My name is Connie