Well this is a story about my husband, myself, my husbands older brother and his wife.
After my husband and I were married we lived for a short time in upper Michigan while he was in the air force. Just a little over a year after we got married we found out that my brother-in-law had met a girl and they were going to be married and that he wanted my husband for best man.
Well we came back home and went along with my brother-in-law to pick up his girlfried whom we had not met yet. We were driving back to their parents house after we picked her up and we drove past my old grade school. I made the comment that I had gone to that school. She said so did I. Well we got to talking and discovered we were good friends in 5th grade (we even liked the same boy hows that for taste we ended up with brothers) My sister-in-law even remembers coming to my birthday party and my parents owned a tavern at that time and her dad use to come in so my parents knew her dad as well.
After 5th grade I never saw her again because they moved to a different town. So here we were never having seen each other since 5th grade and she was marrying my husband brother. I even found my 5th grade picture and we are both on it.
Then this is another funny part of the story.
Years later in the 1980's I was living with my husband about 100 miles from where I grew up and I was working at this company I guy came to work there as the manager. About the 2nd day we are working together and he out of the blue asks me was my madden name fox. I said yes and guess what he also was in grade school with me and only lived a few blocks from where I did. Then he starts telling me he had the biggest crush on this girl named (Beverly ___________) I just busted out laughing and told him guess what that is my sister-in-law. The most wierd part of all of this is all of this started back in the 50's in a fairly large city Milwaukee, WI but it ended up in cities that were smaller and about 100 miles away. Mind you none of us had contact with each other before this since we were out of grade school. That's why sometimes I wonder if things are not already mapped out for us and we are just following a plan.
Looking back at my life with my husband there were so many times in our lives that we probably just walked by each other and never knew it. In fact I even told my best girlfriend to ask him out on a date that she had to take a boy to. Well she decided she did not like him so I got him anyway a year later.
Just wierd things. By the way she and I both ended up marrying guys named Dennis.
Do you think that certain people are meant to be in your life?

My name is Connie