Ive never really thought about my dreams and their meanings too much until this one.......... For some reason i'd got back together and was spending the night with my ex when he suddenly left, next thing i was clutching our engagement rings,a heart necklace he'd given me for christmas and his front door key in my hand and running after him desperately screaming out his name, it was still dark and i was running through the woods i could still see him in the distance and my dog manni had caught up with him, then i saw a tiger sitting to one side i ran past it but then although i didnt see it attack i felt a big jolt from behind and a pain in the back of my neck......then i woke up!!????
My ex and i split up in december 07, i absolutelty adored him but my friends and family didnt like him at all.
The bits id been clutching in my hand in the dream i keep in a little pocket in my handbag, manni my soppy gorgeous dog was 1 of 2 dogs we'd bought when we lived together he took prince when he moved out.
Im not over him by any means but i am happy and very content with my life now so what is this dream trying to tell me can anyone help?