i'm 12 (blush blush embarrassment) and he's 14, he doesn't date 6th graders my friends told me, and i 'd rather not hurt our already awkward relationship by asking him out.
i met him when i was hanging out with one of my friends, and i didn't find him attractive in that way till just a while ago, and it's hard to tell if he likes me because he seems to change how he acts towards me every day.
one day he'll be flirting wih me, the next day he'll avoid me, and so on and so forth. i don't want to play this game with him anymore but i reeeally like him so it's hard to let go.
plus this is his and my(due to me moving this summer) last year at our school. this is really complicated lol
ugh move on--(that ugh is directed at him, not you

) move on. 14 and 12 are only 2 years apart, that's true, but in terms of maturity, you two are (or should be) light-years apart.
personally, i'd worry about a 14 year old who was interested in a 12 year old. sorry, no offense. and it kind of sounds like he's not worth your time anyways.
trust me, in like 5 years, you probably won't even remember his name.
i know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but it's true