Okay, here's my situation.
I just recently realized I was bisexual about a month ago, ever since I made out with my best friend at a party.

I kept it a secret for about a week, but I decided to tell three of my best friends, one of them being a bisexual herself. They all understood, and were cool with it.

Now I have this one very BEST friend, who is a strong Christian (I'm an Atheist, and she knows this), and I waited to tell her because I was pretty sure she would disown me.

I decided to tell her today. And she was surprisingly cool with it. Until she asked me why. This is what I said:

"I've just been doing alot of thinking lately, and when you really really think about it, gender is not important, and it IS possible to have feelings for the same sex. I just don't feel a difference."

This was her reply:

"Actually, gender really DOES matter. God created man, and God created woman only to have feelings for eachother. God has a plan for everyone, and that is to fall in love with the opposite sex and start a family, it's supposed to be a cycle."

And I said:

"Well, some of us don't plan on getting married, or having kids. Namely me. And if God really DID love us, then he would want us to be happy, and that means having feelings for whoever we please."

She said:

"He does love us. He created us, therefore we owe him by living up to his expectations."

I said:

"I don't wanna live by anyone's xxxxxxx rules but my own. That's why I'm religion-free."

And she got xxxxxx off at started going off on me, saying that it frustrates her that I won't even give believing a chance.

And right now it's awkward and we're not talking, I really wanna fix this, but she's stubborn and gets xxxxxx off easily.

It just makes me mad that she thinks homosexuality is wrong. It's not. It shouldn't even be a xxxxxxx sin. Last I checked, sins are supposed to be BAD.

So yeah.. smirk


Last edited by PDM; 06/26/08 12:51 AM. Reason: language