Update: ok so I didn't go through with what I planned, but my friend told him to leave me alone. Today he did not talk to me or anything, but when he sees me he waves (I ignore him)
I actually decided to hide in the corner and eat lunch. I figured he would not find me there, but his friend (he said she was his girlfriend but I don't believe it) actually sat down at the table across from me! Like the cafeteria was pretty much empty, and usually she sits out in the main room, I was hiding in the corner of the other side of the cafeteria...
well he went and sat with her, at a chair where he could watch me. I don't know, I might be being paranoid but it seems as if she "found" me and sat there deliberately so it looked like he had a reason to sit there too. (is that paranoid?)
I think Wednesday if this happens I might move to another table (which I have already done when I was sitting in the main room and she sat at a table and then he sat with her and watched me...