Hi Ax23 & welcome. smile

Your English is fine!

Now, about this girl ...

It seems, to me, that she is friendly to you, but has not really encouraged you in any way.

She doesn't contact you online.

She doesn't seem to go online ~ even though she gave you her contact details.

When you told her that you were interested in her, she said that she was interested in someone else.

If a girl likes you ~ especially if she knows that you like her ~ then she will find opportunities to talk to you.

This girl is not doing that, so I am guessing that the feelings are not mutual. Sadly, unrequited love is very common amongst teenagers. And it is bitter-sweet.

However, I may be wrong, so I suggest that you just continue to be friendly to her. You can never have too many friends!

One day, you will find a girl you really like, who is interested in you. That will be great, because you will both care for, and want to be with, each other. That is how it should be.

Maybe, one day, this girl will become interested in you.
If you still like her, by that time, then there may be a chance for you.

Good luck! smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.