Oh wow, thank you for the response. Okay let's see if I can sum up the answers to all your questions. I have always been deeply in love with her. She says she loves me but is not in love with me at this point. We were living together out of convenience and for the children and only after I found out that I would be leaving did she bring up the possibility of getting back together. Part of me said she was only in it for the money, but my loving half still says that this is my wife no matter divorce or not, and that I need to trust her. so we compromised, and set up a joint account where I transfer money. Yes, we were planning on getting counselling when I get back. And trust me, where I'm at there are no book stores and no councellors so everything has to come from the internet. Yes the problems escalate when we hit subjects that she doesnt want to talk about, only says that we should forget the past and move on. but my issues with her all reside in the past so its a catch 22 here.

all in all I thank you for the response but fear that matters have escalated. Tried to call and talk to my children and then talked to her for only a few seconds when she said oh by the way I'm getting a new phone and this one will be shut off so if you want to talk to your kids you will have to mail them a phone. So I guess instead of worrying about if or how I can make this work, I am going to have to seek legal counselling instead of therapy. Now the angry beast has come out and she's not happy with me just paying the bills, she wants more money from me in child support. So I sent her a nice email telling her we don't need to go to court that I'm still paying the bills, and that she can't blackmail me using our children as bait. So I guess she was using me for the money all along. That's why she never wanted to talk about her. Said it was just convenient to be with me since their my kids and that it would be easier to fix my problems knowing what they are rather than to find a new man and have to figure out what his problems are then fix his problems. And this whole time she led me to believe I was crazy.

But thanks for the quick reply..