I too agree with many of the things mentioned that are very real consequences of continueing to see this young woman. For a moment stop and imagine how her husband must feel about her if she seems so wonderful to you. He is in a horrible war with little to cling to except the memories of his family waiting for him at home. He has a very real chance of loosing his life or coming home crippled. If by some chance he survives or is wounded and returns to face the man who has taken all or part of that family away, would you really want to be that man? I don't think this young lady has thought past her loneliness. She has however, given you a hint of what she is promising. She told you she didn't know what she was doing. She was actually putting a disclaimer on the package. That disclaimer read "Use at your own risk" "We make no guarantees as to quality or workmanship"

Another consideration is her husbands family and friends. You would not be the first person on the recieving end of unexpected trouble for dateing the wife of a service man when others find out.
I really think your a nice guy that is letting himself in for a lot of heartbreak and guilt.

Cookie and Sweetie