Originally Posted By: PDM
And if you really want it to end, be firm but pleasant. I have had similar things happen to me, too, and others can push with: 'why?', 'why not?', 'is there a problem? etc, etc.

Don't be dragged into a long conversation over it.
You can give an explanation or not, but, try to keep it brief and without opportunity for her to change your mind against your will.

Good luck! smile

Exactly PDM, I was a doormat and i got so sick of being used, girls used to be my friend only to try to get close to my brother, people were nice so I would help them with reading Shakespeare and when their needs are filled , they are gone.

I find, setting thing up for myself works for me, I can avoid uncomfortable discussions. We i set up an agreement or state myself clearly, they can try to discuss all they want, I just keep repeating, we agreed on such and such...nothing has changed. They cannot really argue since they did agree or were told beforehand.

It has saved me a world of stress. And no it wasn't easy at first but it get easy and it is sooo worth it.