Hello Southernbelle smile

I can understand your concerns, but, if you are deciding who to date, then I think one important thing is whether or not this young man is a good and decent person & whether you get on well together.

The other very important matter is the welfare of the child. He has to be this man's priority and you have to be willing to accept ~ and possibly even try to love ~ him, if you are to have a relationship with his father.

It's not a case of looking past the child; it os a matter of accepting the child, completely. Father & child are a package ~ or should be.

After this, the concerns of your family may be relevant, but you are an adult, he is an adult & the two of you have to make your own life decisions.

You are young, though, and your parents may be able to guide you through some ideas and give you some advice. Nevertheless, sometimes parents have to accept that their children are growing up.

There is a lot to think about here, but, for now, you are just friends ~ you are not yet in a relationship, so just see how it goes.

I agree that you should respect your parents, especially if you are living under their roof, but if you make a mature adult decision, then you need to talk to them clearly, rationally, politely and confidently about your intentions. And the respect needs to be mutual.

Good luck smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.