Originally Posted By: ItzPumpkin
I know i seem young but age is but a number...

Last term (2nd term) i met this guy i really liked alot, my friend told him and i said not to listen to her, he then told me he liked me too. We started talking, well he did, at school but i was shy. Very shy, i would not look nor speak to him. He used to run after me and grab my arm and tell me to stop and talk, i would blush and keep walking, one day he held me and made me look into his eyes and talk, i turned red and shut my eyes and turned my head and walked away. He told all his friends about me and how much he liked me, one day, after a running race he had done during school, he wanted to kiss me and when the school bell rang to go home he just kissed me passionatly, it wasnt my first but i didnt expect it so i didnt kiss how i would normally kiss. We tried kissing again, but when we were abt to kiss someone disturbed us, i go banned from school for a week by my mother for hanging with boys alot. Anyway lets skip till now, he likes my friend and she likes him too but sometimes the boy would just flirt with me and the same time as flirt with her, i cant stand myself. I still like him alot. Now its summer... She is one of my besties. What to do? I want to prove to him i am not shy anymore... But i havent gotten the chance to yet... frown any advice?

Oh yeah we used to always hug eachother alot for a long extent of time. he is one guy i cant forget, cant find anyone like him