Hello HunterKiller smile

It sounds as if you like her romantically but she, perhaps, likes you as a just a friend?
Is that correct?

Could you be happy with just friendship, if that is all that she can offer?

If she has changed her mind, and now has feelings towards you which are more romantically inclined, then there may be hope.

But, you say that you will not approach her, again, about this.
Is this because you fear rejection again??
If so, then I can understand it, but it is the only way of knowing for sure.

Either you ask her ~ and perhaps endure rejection ~ or you do not speak to her and you try to forget her.

Consider this, though ~ if she believes that you are not the one for her, then you will need to accept that she is not the one for you ~ and that you will be happier when you find the one who is.

It may be hard to accept this now, but, long-term, it will be for the best ~ honestly smile

Good luck smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.