I was nearly going to give this thread a miss, along the lines of "secret woman's " business. then i realised that it dealt with the very same topic I wrote for a speech a couple of years ago. Rather then try and answer all those questions individually, I will try anfd cover them all just by expressing my views.
Before getting into thwe thread I guess we have to accept that there are three areas here Love, romance, and relationships each are distint and seperate identies on their own, Each can exist without the other two Or they can all co-exist with each other as a single emotions.
First Love
We all have experienced it but what is the defination of it? the closest I can come up with Is:
Love is the committment to be there, Unconditionally, for another person or persons.

Romance is that gooey, mushy sentiment we use to express Love. It can be genuine or insincere

Relationships is a contract between two or more subjects.
I feel that the primary one of these is relationship. The reason I say this is that Relationship needs to be in place, before the other two can "co exist" with it.
For a true relationship to exist it needs three things
1. Communication. This is just not talking, but includes listening and constructive responding and debate.
2. compatibility. Again this just doesn't ean "getting along" with someone, it means being able to work together with another person to resolve a problem or issue to a mutural compromise
3. concideration. Once two people enter into a relationship that doesn't mean that they automaticly become one. Each party is still an individual with their own needs and wants so for a relationship to work each party needs to take into concideration the other party's individuality.
If you get all these three things into a relationship then All the rest follows, the Trust, the respect, the love and the romance.
Lose one or more of these three out of a relationship then the trust, respect love and romance is shattered and the relationship is on very shaky ground to say the least

Nobody cares that you can't dance well. Just get up and dance!