My first kiss was awfully sweet.
I had met the guy online about 2 years prior and we were pretty tight. We met each other twice before the day. This time when he came over, we had an actually dinner date planned at the most expensive resturant in our area. The night before our date, we were alone in my living room saying goodnight for the night. He gave me a hug goodnight, and held the hug a little long. He gave me a peck on the neck, then rested his forehead on mine with his hands on my hips for a while. Then he asked lightly "Can I...?" but never really finished the question. Then after an eternity of silence, he leaned down (he was pretty tall, and I'm pretty short ) and kissed me.
Oh it was the sweetest moment of my life. XD I was about 16 I think. And he was so sweet. Then afterwards he was worried cause I hadn't said anything and kind of went to walk out for the night, before he did he started to ask "Did I do anythin wro-" in which case I quickly interrupted him and told him I loved him.

Oh dear sweetness. And then he broke up with me a year later. =P So much for that.