Hi, I wanted to just be really blatantly honest with you about something here. 'As a woman', we all desire 'romance' - we know who we want from our earliest beginnings 'so to speak' - keeping that in mind, we've had our whole lives to dream him up / to create and to perfect him to a -t- (as woman we are very picky). You want 2-know the key? - You have to make her want you! You have to have mystique'!!
But, I will tell you this, think of all the people driving down the high-ways, think of a mall, think of somewhere where there are like, gazillionz of people k.? - Now, multiply that by all the highways / all of the malls, the states (or how would you say it, in the U.K?) - There are so many very beautiful people out there!! - I have fallen in love quite a few different times throughout my very 'short life'.
Know what you should do(?) - if this 'idealistic' view of what you want is not coming through? - Just sit down and write out a list of all the qualities you most desire in a woman ... I always say there has to be atleast some physical attraction.
But, you have been chasing this one for far to long! There are so many other beautiful people / souls out there, so many physically beautiful / attractive people. Want 2-know my ideal of the perfect man? - He is someone who is intense, someone 'romantic', someone who acts as if he doesn't need you, 'passionate' - you have to make her want you! - if you honestly want to give it a 'go'. I really liked River Phoenix in the movie: 'the Thing Called Love' ... See, we (as women), we all love a guy who is 'sweet / tender', what you seem to be, but just try to be, well not so 'overly obvious' about it - or do, but then be mysterious - Do u see what I am saying? Intensity / weakness is beauty, but not in crazy /obsessive amounts, it can come off as being clingy / dependency (can be quite scary!). Who does not enjoy a good challenge!? - I mean, come on, to want what we feel we cannot have?! - I think flirting, the teasing, the taunting is what sets love a flame / Those are the things that build tension!
Keep her on her toes, be romantic, then make her jealous (but not in an overly obvious way).. u know, something to that effect(?).. Don't be overly anxious, just give it some time, it'll get under her skin!! - We women can get very competitive, once dethroned, swear to God!! - I believe it goes hand in hand w/ ego(?).. Be Don Juan' Demarco or something(?), throw her for a loop, be compulsive ... unpredictable - YEAH!