You're doing well kid.
One thing I've noticed about women is they love to be asked questions. I love to ask women a lot of questions that they love to answer.
Here are a few examples:
"Who is your favorite Disney princess?"
Every woman was once a little girl. They love to remember this. If you know anything about Disney films, this will definitely make you look like an all-around kind of guy.
"Who is your favorite [artist/art form]?"
People (not just women) love to talk about art, music, clothing and the like. If you can figure out what she likes, talk to her about it. Share interests, share conflicting interest, you'll never know what someone likes/dislikes until you ask.
"What's your favorite ice cream flavor, color, candy, or flower/plant?"
One thing about this question, is its usually very open ended (on the askers part) because if you ask it correctly, you can generally learn a lot about someone. Let me give you an example.
My favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla.
My favorite color is green
My favorite candy is M&M's
My favorite flower is the Scarlet Pimpernel
What does this tell you about me, just from what you've learned?
1) I like simple things (Vanilla)
2) I like the outdoors and generally a well rounded guy (Green)
3) I love to play around and I see humor in everything. (M&M's)
4) I'm mysterious, and I have traits that are unseen by many and seen by few (Scarlet Pimpernel)
Find out what she likes, and what she doesn't like. Be curious, but don't be so curious to seem needy. Be a good guy, but don't be on her 24/7. Show her that you're a smart, funny, challenging and confidant person.
You're gonna go far kid. I can sense it.