Hi Lee
Yes, of course I remember you

You can't really influence a woman to want to date you, except by being yourself and hoping that she likes you.
Girls like men to be interested in them, of course, and they like them to be clean and to small nice, etc.
So, just be yourself, be pleasant, show an interest and make sure that, if you will be seeing her, you have showered, washed your hair, brushed your teeth and put on clean clothes. That's all I can suggest, really.
The fact that you are both church-goers must be in your favour.
You cannot stop her showing an interest in other boys and you cannot stop other boys liking her ~ but, if you are worried that some are strangers, and may be perverts, then, maybe, she needs a warning about the potential dangers. She needs to be safe.
You say that she knows that you like her, but you imply that she just wants to be friends, so you may just have to accept that.
A good relationship is one where both parties like, and are attracted to, each other ~ and really want to spend time together.
Good luck