WELLLLL great to know your poision ivy deal is finally winding down...geeeesh that must of been awful trying to sleep as well...
had a friend bring me something interesting today...someone made her one so she made me one and says it works great for those small achy areas...
sort of a small pillow but filled with RICE of all things
i remember when buckwheat was the thing
needless to say you dont wash it but what you do is...place it in the micro for a bit to warm the rice and then place it on your neck or knee elbow where ever you ache and she uses it as a foot warmer when going to bed also...
which i cant stand warm anything in bed i like the entire room being cool, i have fans in there and even open the window during the worst of winter days...sheets and pillows too, need to be cool...i could never use foam for a mattress or pillow...so i wont be using it for that either.
as far as stretching goes...my gawd now there is a visual...my body has taken such a beating as i grew up even into mid 50's if i go to stretch anyyyyything lol...thats it ...ill be in traction

..and ohhhhhhhh it feels soooo good to even do a early morning stretch...