I've been doing yoga for about an hour each morning and enjoy it immensely.
Here's my routine I do. If anybody knows the names to poses, please let me know! I did my best to figure out what they are.
Lisa's Daily Yoga Routine
standing side twist -
rotate with arms hanging loose so they flop like coat sleeves on body - 20 rotations
stretch up and back
hang my arms down to touch the ground. Then fold my arms to deepen the stretch. Nod five times. Shake my head five times.
standing crescent moon -
odd, this seems to have several names. The one where you stand tall and curve your body left or right. So someone standing in front of you sees a letter C (or reverse C)
Tree pose / Vrksasana -
I love this pose. I do it for a while on one foot, then relax for a moment on both, then for a while on the other foot.
Sun Salutation Series / Surya Namaskar -
OK this is a sequence in and of itself. I do the whole set two times, once with each leg leading. My set includes:
Stretch up and back
stretch down to the ground
Raise back to diagonally point up, hands on knees
Stretch down to ground again
Put one leg back
Put other leg back to Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
- "walk the dog" - release tension in one leg while pressing into other, and switching
Shifting weight forward into plank
Dropping hips down into cobra / Bhujangasana
shifting weight back into downward facing dog
bringing foot forward between hands to what I think of as a hurdler's stretch
stand back up
hand motion 1 - interlace fingers loosely before chest pointing forward, rotate them down, towards chest, up. Bring both hands up to sky and out wide to either wide, then down and back to chest. Do twice.
hand motion 2 - my yoga teacher called this "heart opening namaste". Have both hands at chest, pointing towards teach other, thumbs towards the chest. Sweep them forward and out to the sides. Then rotate the thumbs to point up and bring the hands back in a wide swoop forward then in to the chest.
Warrior 2 sequence / Virabhadrasana II
Start in Warrior 2 - but up in a triangle. Settle down into warrior 2. Back up to triangle. Do this three times to really settle down into the warrior 2 pose.
Turn both hands palm-up, imagine you're holding a giant ball, and rotate back so your front hand is towards the sky and your back one is down.
Lean the forward fore-arm down on your forward leg. Rotate the back arm forward in a big circle three times. End with it pointing forward.
Look down, then right, then up
Rotate that "free arm" (the one not on your leg) up and back so it's loose. At the same time, rotate the on-leg arm so it's pointing straight up. Your legs are now a triangle.
Lace your hands behind you and stretch them down, as you lean forward.
Now back to simpler things

Warrior 1 on both sides.
Next, a back stretch. Stand with feet warrior-1 width apart but both pointing towards left side of mat. For 15 seconds simply stand, then for 15 seconds fold to touch ground.
Another back stretch. Simply squat with hands around knees for 30 seconds.
cat-cow / Marjaryasana
for 10 rounds (happens to be a back stretch too but is a normal part of yoga)
extended child pose / Garbhasana
30 seconds. Also happens to be a back stretch
rolling cat-cow
for 10 rounds. Start in extended child pose, roll up to cow, arch to cat, fall back into extended child pose.
extended child pose / garbhasana
yes again

cross-legged stretch
the final back stretch. Interlace fingers and reach for sky for 30 seconds
seated spinal twist / half lord of the fishes / Ardha Matsyendrasana
both sides. I love this one.
hurdler's stretch
have one leg forward, the other bent back. First lean forward over forward knee. Then lay back flat on mat. Both sides.
laying spinal twist
lay on back. fold right knee, use left hand to press it towards the left. Stretch right arm out straight right, look right. Switch.
laying goddess pose
put feet soles together with legs laying flat on floor out to either side. Put palms together above head, on floor.
bridge pose / Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Hold the bridge, then slowly lower the spine down vertebrae by vertebrae to the mat. I love this part.
simply let everything go
cross-legged with hands palm-up on knees
- with crown of head make five halos clockwise, then counter-clockwise
- with nose, trace an orange first clockwise, then counter-clockwise
hands to heart