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I love my morning yoga sessions. My spine and hamstrings feel so much better afterwards. They crave the stretching. I had a relaxing one this morning in the kitchen, where I can see the bird feeders while I move. It's a great start to the day.
Do you guys do yoga?
Lisa Shea, Owner
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Lovely yoga session this morning; joints and spine feel so much better now. Now to tackle the 1,699 msgs in my inbox. Having my EAS shake.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A lovely yoga session with birds at the two feeders. I'm doing better at plank, too - I have 2 rounds of it during the sun salutations.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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Here's my current routine:
Forward Standing Section * Standing gently turning arm-flapping-like-open-coat-sleeves, 20 count, a la Kripalu. * Moon pose, left and right * Bend back, then bend forward to floor * Tree pose, left and right * Sun salutation, 2 rounds ... includes downward-facing dog, plank, cobra, and other poses
Side Standing Section Warrior Pose II ... includes sub-poses like side angle pose Warrior Pose I Hanging triangle
Middle Section Tucked squat Lord of the Fishes left and right Cat-Cow 10x Extended Child Pose Rolling Cat-Cow 10x Extended Child Pose
Floor Section Hurdler's Stretch, forward back, left right Spinal twist - knee to one side, arm outstretched to other, left right Dead bug pose Bridge pose with very slow release savasana Lotus position, 5 halos each way, 5 nose circles each way Namaste
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A lovely morning yoga session. Birds at all the feeders, and my hamstrings are stretching a bit more each day! A great start to a sunny day.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A lovely, sunny yoga session, and Juliet the cat came over to help me, too  . How is your day going? #yoga #serenity
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A lovely yoga session this morning; Juliet the cat helped me with cat-cow. Bob braved the frigid cold to bring seed and suet to the birds.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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It's been a whirlwind day - I haven't even been able to post about my morning yoga yet  . It was lovely! Lots to do. One step at a time.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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Back on my night schedule; woke up at 2pm. A lovely yoga session with sunlight streaming through the window. Then organized my watercolors. Bob got me some lovely bins and binders so everything's neat now. Excellent. Next up, a final read-through of my latest 10-chapter novella so I can hand that over to the reviewers.
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A much-needed yoga session. Various stresses in my life ease away while holding downward facing dog and plank pose. #yoga #stressmanagement
Lisa Shea, Owner
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