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I finally was able to do most of my regular yoga routine; my poison ivy foot is slowly healing up. It felt nice to stretch and twist. Have you done any yoga today? How about some nice head-halos while you read webpages  . #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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Happy Independence Day, everyone! I could do nearly my full yoga routine today - the foot is slowly but surely healing. I'm grateful to be able to spend the 4th of July in less pain. Give thanks each day for one's blessings - we all have so much! What are you grateful for today? 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I enjoyed my full yoga routine plus some hula hoop time afterwards. My foot is continuing to heal! Hurrah! Now I'm sorting through the photos from my wonderful trip to the Peabody Museum of Native American history on Wed. Just all sorts of amazing items there. Highly recommended. I can use this material for two separate books - my book on Native American traditions and my next Art Theft Mystery book. Heck, plus I can add more details to my Wyoming series which features a pair of Native American heroines. #namaste What are you up to today? 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I enjoyed my full yoga routine plus some hula hoop time afterwards. My foot is continuing to heal! Hurrah! Now I'm sorting through the photos from my wonderful trip to the Peabody Museum of Native American history on Wed. Just all sorts of amazing items there. Highly recommended. I can use this material for two separate books - my book on Native American traditions and my next Art Theft Mystery book. Heck, plus I can add more details to my Wyoming series which features a pair of Native American heroines. #namaste What are you up to today? 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I just finished up with a great yoga session on a rainy afternoon. I love the rain, I find it quite soothing. Did you know yoga helps with better sleep? Invest in your health with a daily yoga routine! If you need help, I've got free books that get you on your way, and I'm always happy to answer questions. #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I enjoyed a great yoga session today - my poison ivy foot gets better daily! I can pretty much do all my normal poses now, although it's not quite as bendy as the left foot for downward dog and such. That's ok  . It's healing. Did you know that even football players use yoga for flexibility? Add a little bit of yoga to today's routine! http://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/...yoga/103290814/
Lisa Shea, Owner
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A delightful yoga session plus HulaHoop during the rain, and my new mouse is in! I can finally work with graphics again! I adore my Darkfield mouse but it lasts about 3 years with my heavy use. It was now past that point and was acting *really* flaky. Amazon Prime Day came to the rescue! #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I enjoyed a great yoga session while the cardinals & chipmunks explored the drizzly outside world. Plus tons of fun with my Hula Hoop. I love to hoop! I'm trying to figure out what songs match my hooping BPM. So far the songs have been either a tad too slow or too fast. I'll narrow it down! #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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I enjoyed a lovely yoga session. My injured foot is still not quite right, but I found ways to modify poses to accommodate that. Every day can make a difference. If you're having a challenge sticking with your exercise, try adding music! #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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Lovely yoga session. I'm still dealing with the foot injury, but every day helps a little bit. I need to keep the rest of me healthy. You probably knew that the act of frowning actively makes you less happy, but did you know that slouching also triggers the mind to be less happy? Find ways to sit up straighter! #namaste 
Lisa Shea, Owner
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