Love Stories @ RomanceClass - So tomorow is going to be real exciting for me. Hey, My name is Lexi. I want to tell you how I feel about this boy I really like. Here it is: Last year in 2005 I liked this kid. I still like him now but I have a little problem. Well anyway, last year I had 2 of my freinds go ask Josh (boy i like) if he liked me. He said no but then he really didn't know that I like him so he didnt know what to say. I was really hurt because I wanted him to like me so bad. We have a lot in common but I'll tell you that later. When this happened it was close to the end of the year. I was really sad because I wouldn't get to see him anymore during the summer. So now this year I'm in 6th grade and I still fell the same. I still like him. He knows now that I like him. But the problem is that I don't know if he likes me. So I had one of his friends to go ask him. He said that he doesn't like anyone. His friend told me what he said and I felt real bad. Everyone started finding out that I like him and it was starting to get embarassing. Then one of my friends went to go ask him out for me and I didn't even know. Then she told me the next day that when she asked him he said maybe. That got me real happy and excited. I asked my friend how he sounded and she said that she didn't really know and she'll ask him again on Tuesday. I am so excitd to hear what he says. It is Monday right now and I have the school day off today. So tomorow is going to be real exciting for me. This is what we have in comon: we both really love soccer-we both run the fastest-we have to same color hair-we laugh at the same things-we are the same height. Thank-you for reading me story. :) Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 2.86 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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